A brief history of pine pollen

A brief history of pine pollen

 pine pollen


What is pine pollen?

Every spring all pine trees in the world produce pollen, tree sperm. There are around 111 different species of pine trees on the planet. Pine trees have populated the earth's surface for an enormously long period of time. As a result pine trees have spread over all continents and adapted themselves to a very high variety of different climatic conditions from Mexico to Japan and from Alaska to Sumatra.

The pine belongs to the oldest plant species in the world. Most plants produce their pollen inside of closed flowers or fruits, thus they are called angiosperms, which means ‹closed or covered seeders›. The pine tree in contrast is a survivor of a whole different age. Pine trees belong to the last remaining species which in botany are called ‹gymnosperms› or ‹naked seeders›.

Naked seeders evolved more than three hundred million years ago. Gymnosperms populated the planet with hundreds of thousands of species during the age of the dinosaurs and served them as food. Today most naked seeders have been extinct. Thus, until this day the pine tree show cases and preserves an ancient stage in the evolution of plants. It is a window in time that shows us an earlier state of the world.


The monoecious tree

When you look at the masculine cones which produce the pollen or tree sperm you can see that there are no protective leaves around it. The cone is completely exposed and vulnerable, thus it is called ‹naked›.

As the pine tree is a very old species, regarding its evolution, it is a tree that unites both sexes in one and the same individual. In botany this feature is called ‹monoicy›. – By the way, even human beings might have been monoicous before they split into man and woman. At least this is what Plato reports about the ancient times of Atlantis. Most historians see Atlantis as a literal figure. The same was thought about the city of Troy before the german archeologist Heinrich Schliemann discovered it in 1868.

Also the jewish tradition reports the existence of the original perfect man, Adam Kadmon, who was neither man nor woman. Only a spiritual metaphor? – However, in botany the original unity of both sexes and its later separation into male and female plants is a scientific well proven fact. The pine tree is a living example for that.

pine pollen cone

Pine pollen abundance

What you can see on the right side of this picture is the female flower of the pine tree. It is the feminine counter part to the masculine, golden pollen producing cone that you saw in the picture before. As the sperm or pollen of the masculine flower touches the feminine flower through wind pollinisation the female cone starts growing. In two years the female flower becomes the well known mature pine cone which you can see on the left side of this photography.

The mature cone – by the way, grown in the form of a geometric spiral following the mathematical sequence of Fibonacci –, falls on the ground releasing the pine seeds from which new trees will grow. The seeds of most pine species are eatable. Attention: Many people confuse pine pollen, which is really only the masculine sperm of the pine tree, with bee pollen. Those two things have nothing to do with each other, at all. Bee pollen is collected by bees from all types of plants but not from pine trees. Pine trees are not pollinated by insects but by the wind.

Even more astonishing, the female pine cones create an bioelectric field that interacts with the free floating pollen dust in the air. In botany this phenomenon is called electrostatic pollinisation.

As it seems, in nature, efficiency is no contradiction to abundance. In fact, being just as generous in or lives and relationships as the pine tree is with its pollen might be one of the keys to a happy and successful life. Visit the Healing Garden Store!

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